Pennies from Heaven Foundation Grant Request

Pennies from Heaven Grant Request 


A note from the Executive Director:

At Pennies from Heaven, we frequently take a step back, listen, learn, and reevaluate what the greatest needs are and how we can help. If there was a time to do that, it is right now. What are our community’s greatest needs? Or to frame it in a way fitting of the time we are in - what is essential? Consistently in our conversations, the same three needs rise to the top of all our lists: Internet Connection, Childcare, and Housing.  Access to Safe, Affordable, and Quality Internet, Childcare, and Housing are essential to us all, and for our community to thrive. Pennies from Heaven will be focusing our resources on making a difference in those three areas this year. 

We are looking for strong community leaders to make a difference and be a Changemaker. We acknowledge that we do not have all the answers. We know that we can not solve these issues alone. But what makes Mason County strong, what makes us strong, is the ability to come together to solve our most pressing issues so that every resident has an equal opportunity to thrive. We are committed to focusing our time, our energy, and our resources to help make a difference.  

Be well and be kind,

Monica Schuyler

Now- this is your opportunity to share a brief overview of your project, including the timeline, budget, and alignment with our mission and vision. After submitting, you'll receive an automated email confirmation. Foundation staff will review your request and will contact you via email within ten (10) business days.

What we fund:

We give grants to 501(c)(3) organizations, churches, schools, and government agencies. We are a place-based foundation and focus our giving on serving Mason County, and the surrounding region. The Foundation generally makes only one-time grant commitments, per year per program. Longer-term commitments may be considered for initiatives that show exceptional promise for community impact.

We encourage grant applications supporting the following:

  • Collaborative - working with others to achieve a common goal. 
  • Innovate programs, and/or start-ups 
  • Human focused- Support the well-being of our community members

We do not award grant funding:

  • Directly to individuals, or offer scholarships
  • Duplicated Services
  • For-profit entities 
  • Global or Nationally focused program
  • Political Organizations

Our Focus Areas:

The grant application will require the applicant to tell us how their request lines up with the following funding priority areas. 

  • Basic Needs
  • Education
  • Workforce Development
  • Community Development 

***In response to COVID, we are focusing our efforts even further within those areas around Broadband Internet Access, Quality, and Affordable Childcare, and safe, quality, and affordable housing. Priority will be given to requests addressing those needs. ***

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.